Foreign Jobs

Unskilled Jobs in Scotland With Visa Sponsorship

Unskilled Jobs in Scotland: The country of Scotland is in the very north of Europe. It is a place that has high humidity because it rains a lot and doesn’t get much sunlight. It is a beautiful country with hills and mountains that tourists can enjoy.

Because the country is one of the four parts of the United Kingdom, people from the EU, EEA, Switzerland, and some parts of Ireland can go there without a visa and stay for up to six months. If they plan to stay in the country for a long time, though, they will need one. People from other countries need different kinds of visas to enter the country.

This post will focus on low-skill jobs that foreigners can do in Scotland. But before we get to the list of unskilled jobs for foreigners in Scotland, let’s talk about what an unskilled job is.

What is an Unskilled Job?

A job that doesn’t require much or any special training or skill is called unusable. A person who works in an unskilled job is called an unskilled worker. They need little to no training and can be used whenever they are needed. Most of the time, they are temporary jobs with little training and few chances to move up.

Unskilled Jobs in Scotland for Foreigners

Most foreigners in Scotland are there on short visas, which means they will have to work temporary jobs to make ends meet. Most of the time, the best job for a stranger is one that doesn’t require much skill. Here are some examples of low-skilled jobs that outsiders can do in Scotland:

Transport driver

Transport drivers are very important for getting people to different places, and many different companies hire them. They keep the cars clean, plan routes based on weather and traffic, take care of payments and give information about the area.

Also, almost 360,000 businesses are built on Scotland’s strong transportation system. 45 percent of the registered businesses in this landscape are in one of the six growth sectors mentioned below. Gross Value Added (GVA) numbers show that in 2014, a number of industries made big contributions to the economy.

Food production worker

People who work in food production help make meals in places like restaurants, schools, and hospitals. They are in charge of how the food is stored and how clean the kitchen is.

There are a lot of food and drink companies in Scotland, from small ones to big ones that are known all over the world. This is a big part of the business. Exports went up by 31% in 2022, which shows that the economy is getting better after the disease and Brexit.

This industry employs 48,000 people, brings in £3.4 billion, and makes up 27% of the value added to production. With 1,285 businesses and a turnover of £10.3 billion, it is a major force that makes up 33% of all industries in Scotland. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), which make up 95% of all businesses, have grown by leaps and bounds. A mill worker in Scotland makes an average of £10.90 an hour.

Security guard

Security guards are important for protecting both property and people who work there. They walk around the area, use monitoring tools, control who can come in and out, and keep records of what happened.

The security industry is very important to reducing crime, antisocial behavior, and terrorism because it responds to changes in laws and technology. In cooperation with government institutions, private security companies protect places like workplaces, offices, and public events.

With about £500 million in direct sales and 35,000 employees, Scotland’s security industry makes a big difference. Security Industry Authority (SIA) licenses and apprenticeships give workers more power. Courses like guards, events, and CCTV operations are offered to improve skills and keep people in the field. The average wage per hour is £10.32

Unskilled Jobs in Scotland With Visa Sponsorship
Unskilled Jobs in Scotland With Visa Sponsorship

Construction worker

Scotland needs about 4,000 more building workers every year, but old ideas keep people from applying. Because of misconceptions about money and the amount of work involved, only 25% of people support construction jobs. There are already 231,000 people working in the field, but every year until 2027, 3,910 more will be needed.

The business makes up 11% of Scotland’s GDP, and for every £1 spent, it brings in £2.94. It includes a lot of different sub-sectors and is very important to Scotland’s net-zero goals. In Scotland, a building worker makes an average of £25,054 per year.

Sales representatives

Salespeople promote and sell goods and services by using their communication skills to tailor solutions to the needs of the customer. They get more customers by advertising, selling products, and following up with leads in person, online, or over the phone.

Scottish Enterprise is known for giving bold businesses the tools they need to grow through innovation, investment, and internationalization. It also works to change the economy by bringing people together. The average salary for a salesperson in Scotland is £24,270 per year.

Farm Workers

Farmworkers are in charge of taking care of animals, growing crops, and running heavy equipment to prepare the land and water crops. They take care of animals and keep pests under control.

More specifically, the farming sector is made up of activities like growing crops and raising animals, logging, fishing, and other things. Farmers need seasonal foreign workers, and Bulgaria and Romania are becoming important places to find them.

Since 2017, there have been fewer seasonal workers available. This has led to more calls for workers and shortages at recruitment firms. As the EU changes, so does the sector, which shows how important foreign labor is to keeping agriculture running. In Scotland, a farm worker’s average hourly wage is £12.41.

Read More: Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Azerbaijan For Foreigners

Benefits of Unskilled Jobs in Scotland for Foreigners:

  • Opportunities for Employment: Scotland has a wide range of jobs, including non-skilled jobs in the hospitality, agriculture, construction, and healthcare fields. Immigrants from other countries can work as farm workers, cleaners, cooks, or building workers.
  • Fair Wages: In general, Scotland pays a fair wage for unskilled jobs, often more than the minimum wage or even more. This can provide a good living wage and cover the costs of life.
  • Legal Work Status: Foreigners can legally work in Scotland if they have a proper work visa or permit. This takes away worries about people working illegally.
  • Social Benefits: Everyone who works in Scotland, including people from other countries, can get social benefits like health care through the National Health Service (NHS), paid leave, and jobless payments. These perks are a safety net in case something goes wrong.
  • Worker Protections: Scotland has strong laws that support the rights of workers, especially foreign workers. These rules cover working hours, extra pay, paid time off, and safety at work.
  • Path to Permanent Residency: Even though unskilled workers may first come to Scotland on short visas, there are ways for them to stay there for a long time and, eventually, become permanent residents or citizens.
  • Quality of Life: People think that Scotland has a great way of life, beautiful scenery, and a rich cultural history. Foreign workers can have a good standard of living and learn about Scotland’s unique culture at the same time.
  • Language growth: Working in Scotland can help people who don’t understand English improve their English skills, which can help them grow as people and get better jobs in the future.
  • Cultural Experience: Living and working in Scotland allows foreigners to become immersed in Scottish culture, traditions, and local communities.
  • Networking and Connections: Working in Scotland can give you the chance to meet new people and make connections that could help you get a better job or improve yourself in the future.

Websites to Find Unskilled Jobs in Scotland For Foreigners:

  • Reed
  • Myjobscotland
  • My World of Work
  • Apprenticeships in Scotland
  • Scot Careers


Find out about low-skilled jobs for outsiders in Scotland, whether you are on a visa, taking a study break, or starting over. Find out about a range of jobs, from transport drivers to veterinary helpers, that can help you make a stable living in Scotland. Get the papers you need, like a National Insurance Number (NIN) or a work visa, to make your move easier. You can find the job you want on sites like Fasthire, Reed, and others. Start looking for a job in Scotland today.

People Also Ask

  • What is an Unskilled Job?

    A job that doesn’t require much or any special training or skill is called unusable. A person who works in an unskilled job is called an unskilled worker. They need little to no training and can be used whenever they are needed. Most of the time, they are temporary jobs with little training and few chances to move up.

  • How do I move to Scotland and get a job?

    If you’re coming to Scotland from outside the EU, you’ll need a work visa to prove that you can work there before you can get your NIN. A 24-month youth movement visa, also called a “working holiday visa” or a “gap year visa,” is the easiest visa to get.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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