Foreign Jobs

Principal Engineering Manager Jobs in India 2024

The core mission of the Azure Service Fabric Team is to simplify the packaging, deployment, and management of scalable and reliable microservices and containers. Azure Service Fabric is a platform for building stateful services on distributed systems. It also addresses the significant difficulties associated with the development and management of cloud-native applications. Customers run containerized stateful services written in any language or code using the Service Fabric programming model.

Are you looking to make a significant contribution to Microsoft’s mission to enable every individual and organization to accomplish more through the power of cloud computing? Do you want to be at the forefront of Cloud Computing, designing, delivering, and operating cloud-scale systems that form the basis of Azure, the world’s computer? Do you want to be a part of a highly motivated and passionate team that collaborates to ensure the success of our customers while having fun and learning along the way?

Azure Core is Azure’s most profitable and fastest-growing business segment. We, the Azure Core Compute team at IDC, take pride in our ability to deliver a cloud platform capable of running any workload. And we mean ANY! Teams, Bing, Exchange, Xbox, SQL Azure, Office 365, HDInsight, and COSMOS DB… to name a few of Microsoft’s most prominent offerings. Or customers such as Accenture, Adobe, Walgreens, Walmart, Flipkart, In-Mobi, and the vast majority of the world’s large/medium/small shopping, banking, finance, gaming, logistics, enterprise, data analytics/management, and storage services. They utilize the infrastructure we develop.

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The Service Fabric clusters can be created anywhere, including on-premises, with Windows Server and Linux, and in public clouds other than Azure. Service Fabric currently powers numerous Microsoft services, such as Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Cortana, Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Intune, Azure Event Hubs, Azure IoT Hub, Dynamics 365, Skype for Business, and numerous core Azure services. Microsoft’s container orchestrator for deploying and managing microservices across a cluster of machines is called Service Fabric. Service Fabric can deploy hundreds or thousands of applications or containers per machine at a high density in mere seconds.

Expect a fast-paced environment with ample opportunities to solve distributed systems, and difficult technical and business problems, and provide excellent global customer solutions. We are seeking an engineering-focused, customer-centric, and passionate Software Engineering Manager to help shape the future of our Service Fabric use cases and contribute to the platform’s foundation. Come join us in shaping the next generation of the Azure Service Fabric.

Responsibilities of Principal Engineering Manager Jobs in India

  • Develop an understanding of customer requirements for their applications and the underlying microservices based on Service Fabric, and build new capabilities to support cloud-native, containerized, and a multitude of innovative use cases.
  • Contribute to the development of the Azure Service Fabric platform, which allows multiple classes of applications to be supported while accounting for application consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.
  • Develop a comprehension of Service Fabric workflows and orchestration in conjunction with platform-level capabilities.
  • Create a long-term vision and road map for the team that simplifies the overall experience and supports orchestration at scale.
  • Establish KPIs and drive execution successfully through collaboration and partnership with the PM team and partners.
  • Lead the team by providing clarity, generating energy, and driving results using an iterative and measurable strategy.
  • Prioritize your team’s work by collaborating with other teams.
  • Responsible for the design, implementation, quality, live site, and customer success of the platform.

Benefits of Principal Engineering Manager Jobs in India

  • High Compensation: Principal Engineering Managers in India are generally remunerated with attractive benefits packages and compensation that are commensurate with their senior status and leadership obligations within the company.
  • Career Growth: Frequently, this position signifies the zenith of an individual’s professional trajectory, providing prospects for additional progress both internally within the organization and externally in the wider sector. It allows professionals to exhibit their technical prowess, strategic acumen, and leadership prowess.
  • Leadership Prospects: Principal Engineering Managers frequently shape the technical course of projects and products and preside over engineering teams. By providing mentorship and development opportunities for novice engineers, they contribute to the organization’s culture of innovation and continuous learning.
  • Impactful Work: Principal Engineering Managers are commonly engaged in endeavors and undertakings that have a significant influence on the technical strategy and innovation agenda of the organization. They are afforded the chance to engage in advanced technological projects and resolve intricate technical dilemmas, thereby significantly augmenting the achievements of the organization.
  • Collaboration Across Functional Lines: This position requires cross-functional collaboration with stakeholders from operations, product management, design, and marketing, among others. Principal Engineering Managers may collaborate closely with other teams to ensure that technical solutions are in line with both user requirements and business objectives.
  • Learning and Development: Organizations frequently allocate resources towards the professional growth of Principal Engineering Managers by granting them opportunities to participate in seminars, conferences, and training programs that augment their technical acumen and aptitude. By participating in this environment of continuous learning, one can remain current on the most recent trends and optimal approaches within the industry.
  • Work-Life Balance: Although leadership positions entail greater obligations, numerous organizations place a high value on ensuring that their personnel, including principal engineering managers, have a healthy work-life balance. The implementation of supportive policies, flexible work hours, and remote work opportunities can assist individuals in achieving and maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between their professional and personal spheres.
  • Acknowledgment and Prestige: The position of Principal Engineering Manager is frequently correlated with industry and organizational recognition and prestige. Respected for their technical prowess, leadership qualities, and contributions to fostering innovation and excellence are those occupying this position.

Qualifications for Principal Engineering Manager Jobs

  • Over a decade of experience in software development and the creation of world-class solutions.
  • Four or more years as an engineering manager
  • Excellent communication skills and a passion for managing and fostering the growth of a diverse team of engineers.
  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or comparable work experience required.
  • Cloud computing, enterprise computing, IaaS, and/or SaaS product expertise.
  • Experience in driving engineering roadmaps, leading v-teams, mentoring, and assisting the technical development of others.
  • Working with dispersed teams and demonstrating a history of attracting, hiring, developing, and retaining top talent.

More Info

  1. What is the salary of the principal engineering manager at Microsoft in India?

    The average Microsoft Corporation Principal Engineering Manager salary in India is ₹93.3 lakh for experience between 13 and 19 years. The principal engineering manager’s salary at Microsoft Corporation India ranges between ₹60.0 lakhs and ₹126.0 lakhs.

  2. What does a principal engineering manager do?

    Collaborates and makes proposals across several teams on their engineering work and helps their team members make informed decisions in alignment with the sub-department strategic plans. Exposes technology and organizational needs across their sub-department.

  3. What is principal engineering management?

    A principal engineer oversees multiple groups of engineers as they work on different projects and across various settings. They supervise projects to guarantee they receive the correct staff allocations and resources.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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