Foreign Jobs

Supervisor Jobs in Belgium 2024 – Apply Now

VDAB in 2260 Westerlo is looking for a qualified Supervisor to join our great team. As a Full Time Supervisor, you have a tremendous opportunity to acquire productive abilities as you advance in your career. Apply immediately for the role of Supervisor at VDAB if you are skilled in presenting, and decision-making, and have the necessary experience.

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What Does a Supervisor Do?

As a supervisor, your main job is to keep an eye on and handle a group of workers to make sure they complete their tasks and meet their goals. You’ll be the link between the frontline workers and upper management, and it will be up to you to lead, teach, and inspire your team.

Key Points:

  • Supervisors are leaders who maintain productivity and quality.
  • They communicate company goals and expectations to their teams.

Details About Supervisor Jobs in Belgium

The Agfa-Gevaert Group develops, manufactures and distributes a wide range of analog and digital imaging systems and IT solutions, primarily for the printing industry and the healthcare sector, as well as for specific industrial applications. afdeling zoeken wij eenSupervisorAgfa bestaat al meer dan 150 jaar en mag trots zijn op zijn extensive portfolio aan digitale beeldvormingsystemmen en IT solutions!

Lijkt het jou fantastisch om als supervisor in onze production van chemische stoffen voor beeldvormende systemen te komen te Westerlo? Lees dan zeker verder! Waar ga je je volledig in kunnen smijten? As a supervisor:

Maak je deel uit van een gepassioneerd team dat verandreakung is voor de uitvoring van procesen voor de synthesis van chemische grondstoffen. Gebruik je jouw oog voor efficiencie van chemische procesen in al zijn aspecten (milieu, safety, quality and cost prices). Onderhoud je detailed procesbeschrijvingen en bedeinningsvorschrijvingen die de base vormen voor de uitvoorning van chemische procesen in diverse produktion-einheden en instalaties.

Gebruik je jouw teamspirit in de supporten van het team bij de logistieke aspecten van productionecampagnes (werkvoorbereiding, bestellen en terugleveren van grondstoffen, verzenden van stalen voor kwaliteitscontrole). Coördineer je de evaluation van proefpartijen van synthesegrondstoffen en reporteer je hieromtrent in de advorvo bestemde logboeken.

Ondersteun je het team bij de implementatie van nieuwe technologieën (opleiding, bedeinningsvoorschuleen). Sta je in voor de opulging en organiset van allerle initiatieven die persekting hebben op veiligheid (opvolging van Incidenten, inoefenen van noodscenario’s, toelichten van miniarbo’s). Onderzoek je samen met het team procesafwijkingen (quality, performance, cost) door analyze van de procesgegevens. Help je me om het kennisniveau van de co-workers (productie-operatoren, ploegchefs,…) op te volgen via competenceiemanagement en te verhogelen door opleiding.

Wie zoeken we?

Can you do the perfect job? Een bachelordiploma in een wetenschapele of technische richicht heb jij in the pocket en passie voor chemie spat er bij jou van af! Je hebt een analytische geest wardoor je easy problemen kan analyzed en olsenden. Je staat steeds te springen to be able to take responsibility and be able to take decisions. Je houdt van proactiviteit en hebt steeds een kritisch oog. Veranderingen staan voor jou gelig aan groei! Je leert graag bij bij verandingsprocessen.

During the training period, get acquainted with the great diversity of the processes by actively participating in the production process and operating the installations. Leidinggeven en organizeren vind jij vanzelfsprekend; jouw werknemens motivateren en bijsturen kan jij als de beste. Je verliest het belang van de klant niet uit het oog bij de decisionen die je neemt. Gage state voor passi n drive! Je bent een teamspeler die graag een voorbealfunctie heeft op vlak van enthousias, discipline, decision-making and knowledge.

What Courage G Van Ons?

Aanbod en toekomsperspectiefAgfa is vandaag een bedrijf dat investeert in talent. Wil je mee aan de kar trekken en een voortrekkersrol opramen op lange termin? Je verantwoordheidheden stijgen naarmate je expertise verwerft.We zijn een chemisch bedrijf in het hart van Antwerpen, waar ruimte is voor eigen inbreng, groei, en een angename work-life balance. In addition, we offer for this function a bare salary, supplemented with extralegal benefits.

How to Apply
How to Apply

What do you expect we van jou?

  • Bachelor
  • Gen ervaring nodig

Benefits of Supervisor Jobs in Belgium

  • Leadership Development: Supervisors are afforded the chance to cultivate and augment their aptitudes for leadership. Team management entails providing direction, inspiration, and motivation to team members, thereby fostering their professional and personal development.
  • Greater Responsibility: In comparison to positions that do not involve supervision, supervisors generally bear greater obligations. This may encompass the delegation of decision-making power, supervision of daily operations within a team or department, and administration of projects.
  • Progression in one’s career: Supervisory roles frequently serve as a transitional stage to more senior management positions. Achievements in a supervisory capacity that are executed effectively may result in prospects for additional professional development within the institution.
  • Competitive Compensation: Salary and benefit packages are frequently competitive for supervisory positions. In addition to health insurance, retirement plans, and bonuses, compensation packages may comprise additional advantages that contribute to financial stability.
  • Prospects for Professional Development: Belgian employers are permitted to invest in the professional development of administrators. This may consist of courses, seminars, and training programs designed to improve managerial, communication, and leadership abilities.
  • Team Collaboration: In nurturing collaboration within their teams, supervisors are indispensable. Establishing a constructive and positive team atmosphere is beneficial for employee morale, collaboration, and overall achievement.
  • Recognition and Rewards: In recognition of their contributions, effective supervisors are frequently rewarded and acknowledged. This appreciation could manifest itself through performance-based incentives, career advancements, or alternative methods of recognizing their managerial and leadership acumen.
  • Work-Life Balance: Despite the demanding nature of leadership positions, numerous organizations in Belgium place a high value on work-life balance. Supervisors may possess the capacity to effectively manage their schedules and encourage their teams to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Job Security: Supervisor positions are critical to the operation of numerous organizations and provide job security. Consequently, those occupying these positions frequently experience employment stability, particularly when they exhibit proficient leadership qualities and make valuable contributions to the group’s achievements.
  • Contribution to Organizational Success: Supervisors have a significant influence on the performance of their teams and, by extension, the overall achievement of the organization. These feelings of accomplishment and contribution can be gratifying for those in positions of supervision.

More Info


In Belgium in 2024, jobs as a boss are great for people who want to lead, inspire, and make things happen. These jobs can give you the chance to make a big difference in many fields, whether you’re just starting out or thinking about a change.

  1. What does a supervisor do?

    The supervisor is responsible for communicating organizational needs, monitoring employee performance, providing direction and support, identifying growth needs, and managing the staff-organization connection so that both are successful.

  2. Are qualifications required to be a supervisor?

    Generally, you will need at least one or two years of work experience to apply directly. Companies may also require you to hold work-based certifications and industry-specific training certificates.

  3. Is there work for foreigners in Belgium?

    Most foreigners in Belgium work various jobs at international institutions or in service sectors such as finance, tourism, and education.

Alia khan

Alia Khan is a well-known scholar and scholarship tutor who has obtained five government scholarships from Turkey, China, Portugal, the United States, and Canada. Students can seek his assistance and counsel when applying for scholarships. His academic pieces, as well as those on related themes like immigration and jobs, provide young pupils with the tools they need to thrive in life.

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