Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme 2023 – Apply Online

PM Laptop Scheme Apply Online FREE 2023
Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme: Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has resumed the distribution of laptop computers to youngsters. Applications will be accepted online beginning June 20, 2023.
Under the PM Youth Laptop Scheme, students will be offered a variety of tops for online application. The Pakistani government announced the restoration of the Prime Minister Laptop Scheme as part of the Prime Minister Youth Programme.
One lakh laptops will be handed to pupils as part of the scheme. The Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Affairs announced this. Shazia Fatimah has told them that they will be given free laptops and that they will be encouraged in addition to the laptops.
Pm Laptop Scheme Online Apply
Previously, Ayat Commission Education used this method. The Education Commission was the program’s implementing agency under PMNFNA-2. Approximately five lakh laptops were successfully supplied to federal and FATA colleges at public sector universities and technical colleges using transparent and soft distribution channels.
To maintain transparency, the HEC website and information are made public. It is a well-known fact that a country’s economic development is determined by its intellect.
If it is not removed properly, the country’s youthful generation would be decimated, hence it is vital to place them on 13. Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif announced laptop prices for the youth.

Objectives and Benefits
Recognizing the value of long-term government investment in youth for national development, the government developed the Prime Minister’s Laptop Scheme to establish a king and education system among Muslim young.
- So that kids are prepared for their future and can grow by living in a developed country.
- LAPTOPSCHEME is a complete ecosystem that includes licensed software. Training possibilities for Vulture device certification are available, as is access to the national digital library and online courses from major universities.
- This comprehensive strategy allows Pakistani higher education institutions to match not only with foreign norms but also with a focus on student learning.
- Those who have not yet profited from this initiative or do not know how to register can find all the information they need in the article, and they are giving away laptop computers for free.
Distribution and Application Process
The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan is in charge of purchasing and distributing the best of the best. Those who qualify can apply online using the service site. You must first register and update your profile in the application process by heading to your photographs.
- To apply, click the apply button. If you have any problems, you can contact their official reporter and file a complaint.
- The selection procedure is that eligible students who want to apply can begin applying online.
- The Focal Person for the student’s university confirms the information from HD, including his or her name, title, degree level, and academic performance.
- The University’s Focal Person is exclusively responsible for the admissions process.
- Following the completion of the verification process, the university receives its laptop allotment based on pre-defined criteria.
- Any incorrect numbers can be addressed by having the student obtain the information as the data is updated.
People Also Ask
Who is eligible for the Prime Minister laptop scheme?
Students must possess a current CNIC/B-Form number. Students enrolling in an 18-year Ph.D./MS/MPhil or comparable program
How do I apply for the Prime Minister laptop?
The PMYP portal needs all applicants to enter personal information such as their CNIC number, mobile phone number, and email address (double-check the information before proceeding).
After entering all of the information, the applicant must log in to their account.