Foreign Jobs

Consultant Jobs in United Nations 2024 – Apply Now

The United Nations frequently hires consultants and independent contractors to work on short-term projects under individual contracts. A Consultant Is A Recognized Expert Or Specialist In A Particular Field Who Is Employed By An Organization In A Advisory Or Consultative Capacity. Typically, a consultant’s duties include analyzing problems, directing seminars or training courses, preparing documents for conferences and meetings, and writing reports on matters pertaining to their area of expertise.

An Individual Contractor Is Employed By The Organization To Provide Expertise, Skills, Or Knowledge For The Performance Of A Particular Task Or Piece Of Work That Is By Its Very Nature Temporary. The Assignment May Involve Full-Or Part-Time Duties Comparable To Those Performed By Staff Members.

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How Do I Apply for Consultant Jobs in United Nations?

Experts With Relevant Experience Who Are Available For Short-Term Assignments Are Invited To Register on the Consultant Roster Through Inspira And Submit A Personal History Profile (PHP) In Order To Be Considered When Opportunities Become Available. Please update your PHP frequently, as candidates whose profiles have not been updated in over three years are less likely to be contacted.

Where Are The Assignments?

The location of assignments may be at any of the United Nations’ regional, country, or project offices around the globe.

How Are Candidates Selected From The Consultant Roster?

Consultants Roster-Registered Experts Are Available For Consideration Whenever Appropriate Opportunities Present Themselves. The Relevant Team Contacts Selected Candidates Directly Via The Email Address Provided In Their Inspira-Saved PHP. Experts who have joined the Consultant Roster are also encouraged to actively apply for consulting positions posted on Inspira and this website.

Benefits of Consultant Jobs

  • Diverse Projects: Consultants frequently collaborate on projects from a variety of industries. This diversity ensures that the work remains engaging and offers a wide range of knowledge and experience.
  • Skill Development: Consulting positions frequently necessitate strategic thinking, project administration, and problem-solving abilities. Consultants acquire a diverse array of abilities that are advantageous in numerous industries.
  • Networking Opportunities: Consultants have the opportunity to establish a strong professional network by collaborating with a diverse array of clients and stakeholders. These connections may prove advantageous for future professional development and employment prospects.
  • Potential for High Earnings: Consulting positions frequently offer competitive salaries and the potential for substantial earnings, particularly for individuals with specialized skills or extensive career experience. Additionally, numerous consultants are eligible for performance-based incentives and compensation.
  • Flexibility: A significant number of consulting positions provide the option to work remotely or establish your own schedule. This adaptability can facilitate a more harmonious work-life equilibrium.
  • Career Advancement: Consulting offers a straightforward route to professional development. Successful consultants have the opportunity to advance to senior consultant, manager, director, or partner positions within their organizations or to establish their own consulting businesses.
  • Impact and Influence: Consultants frequently engage in high-impact projects that have the potential to substantially impact a client’s business strategy and operations. Being able to contribute value and influence change can be a highly rewarding experience.
  • Continuous Learning: The dynamic nature of consulting work necessitates that consultants remain informed about the most recent industry trends, tools, and methodologies. This perpetual learning environment ensures that consultants remain intellectually stimulated and at the forefront of their respective disciplines.
  • Travel Opportunities: A significant number of consulting positions necessitate travel, which enables consultants to operate in various cities or countries. This can be an exciting aspect of the job for individuals who appreciate discovering new cultures and locations.
  • Autonomy: Consulting positions frequently offer consultants a significant degree of autonomy, enabling them to independently make decisions and assume responsibility for their initiatives. This can result in a greater sense of accomplishment and job satisfaction.

List of Consultant Jobs in the United Nations

  • Sanctions Expert 
  • Audio-Visual Technician (Several Roster Positions) 
  • Multimedia And Communications Officer[Cancelled]
  • Psychosocial Support Expert (Multiple Positions) 
  • Consultant Expert In Auditing ERM 
  • UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) – Banking Team Assistant 
  • CCAC Landfill Gas Expertise Consultant (Liberia) 
  • CCAC Municipal Solid Waste Management Consultant (Central African Republic) 
  • CCAC National SLCP Expert (Central African Republic) 
  • Local Energy Efficiency Expert 
  • Local Project Manager 
  • Biodiversity Expert 
  • Policy Expert – Circular Economy And Resource Efficiency 
  • Customs And Export Controls Expert 
  • Finance And Economics Expert 
  • Maritime Transport Expert 
  • Missile Issues And Other Technologies Expert 
  • Non-Proliferation And Regional Security Expert

For More Info:

Email Your CV, and We’ll Find the Best Pathway For you:

  1. Are UN consultants paid?

    The United Nations provides you with a competitive compensation package that includes pay and benefits. The level of compensation for international recruits in the Professional and higher categories is based on the highest-paying national civil service.

  2. What is the easiest way to get a job at the United Nations?

    You can apply for professional positions through the Careers Portal or by taking an examination. Local candidates are recruited for positions in the General Service and related categories, such as those in the trades and crafts, security and safety, secretarial, and other support positions.

  3. How do I become a UN consultant?

    Normally, an advanced university degree in a relevant field is required, along with several years of related and in-depth working experience. Fluency in at least one of the official UN languages is a requirement.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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