Foreign Jobs

Agricultural Jobs in Kansas 2024 – Apply Now

Then, this is the location where you may locate sources with thorough information. It is common knowledge that the majority of agricultural occupations need commitment, passion, patience, and a touch of luck, and it is one of the most fulfilling careers in Kansas. Kansas is one of the best areas in the United States to work in agriculture or develop an agricultural business. Kansas ranks among the states with the most farms, trailing Texas and other states with the most farms in the United States.

And if you’re looking for an agricultural career, you’ve come to the correct spot, as below you’ll find important details regarding agricultural jobs in Kansas and how to apply. Applicants must be qualified for this position before applying therefore, you should have no trouble obtaining your preferred position.
Browse agricultural jobs in Kansas by reading this page, and don’t hesitate to submit your application if you discover a suitable agricultural job in Kansas.

Details About Agricultural Jobs in Kansas

  • Agriculture encompasses a wide range of occupations, from workers picking lettuce and tomatoes to scientists studying animal nutrition and crop development. Ranches, farms, institutions, and government entities are all examples of possible jobs.
  • While some agricultural professions include inside work in labs and offices, the majority need outside labor in fields and ranches. Farmers are responsible for managing farms, ranches, greenhouses, nurseries, and other agricultural production organizations; depending on the kind of farm, they plant, cultivate, execute post-harvest activities, supervise animals, and supervise farm workers. Agriculture is the most important economic engine in Kansas, contributing $67 billion to the state’s economy as a whole.
  • The agriculture industry in Kansas provides around 238,000 employees through direct, indirect, and induced effects, or over 11% of the state’s total workforce. In 2020, Kansas earned around $17.4 billion in agricultural cash revenues, with cattle and calves, maize, and soybeans being the highest-valued commodities. In the same year, agriculture production and processing sectors accounted for 6.8 percent of Kansas’ total GDP.

The positions listed below are examples of agricultural occupations in Kansas.

  • Agronomist
  • Farm Laborer
  • Research Partner


Agronomists are scientists with expertise in agricultural production, soil management, and soil control. Also, they are responsible for maximizing agricultural yield from a certain acre of soil. Also, they are responsible for conducting tests to identify and optimize plant nutrients.


Agronomists are required to have a Bachelor’s degree, which typically takes four years to complete. Entry-level employment and agronomic apprenticeships require an additional two years of experience in the field to advance in a career.

Farm Laborer:

Common chores include planting, fertilizing, and harvesting plants. Depending on their specialty, their obligations may differ. Feeding and herding animal groupings. Supplying animals with specific nutrition and attention.

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These are the prerequisites for a Farm Laborer:

  • Valid driver’s license.
  • Experience operating tractors and other agricultural machinery is desired.
  • Ability to work with farm animals.
  • Capacity to labor extra hours during harvest season.
  • Physical endurance.

Research Association:

An important role of a research associate is to do crucial research to enhance agricultural, food production, disease control, and animal husbandry practices.


The prerequisites for a research associate are as follows:

  • Bachelor’s degree in an area pertinent to the industry
  • Organizational skills.
  • Administrative skills.
  • IT skills.
  • Skills in documentation and recording.
  • Oral and written communication skills.
  • The capacity to inspire and motivate others to complete a job.
  • A good eye for detail.
  • Numeracy.

Agricultural Jobs Kansas Salary

The average annual wage for agricultural positions in Kansas is roughly $40,775.

Benefits of Agricultural Jobs in Kansas

  • Availability of Employment: Kansas’s agricultural sector is substantial, concentrating on the production of wheat, maize, soybeans, and livestock. As a result, a wide array of agricultural occupations, from managerial roles to manual labor, are in high demand.
  • Stability in the Agricultural Sector: Kansas’s agriculture is an essential sector that significantly contributes to the state’s gross domestic product. Those who take pleasure in working with livestock or produce are frequently employed in agricultural occupations, which offer a stable income.
  • Community Connection: The establishment of numerous agricultural employment in rural regions of Kansas contributes to the development of a robust sense of community. Those who are employed in the agricultural sector frequently develop strong interpersonal connections with their local community and acquaintances.
  • Diverse Career Opportunities: The agricultural sector offers a wide range of career opportunities, including but not limited to farm management, equipment operation, crop reconnaissance, livestock care, and agronomy. This multiplicity enables people to discover a specialized field that corresponds to their abilities and passions.
  • Hands-On Work: Agricultural occupations afford individuals who take pleasure in practical, outdoor labor the chance to interact closely with the land, produce, and fauna. Those who enjoy bodily exertion and the gratification of observing concrete outcomes may find this activity especially rewarding.
  • Contribution to Food Production: Individuals who are employed in the agricultural sector are able to make a direct contribution to the process of food production. The state of Kansas assumes a pivotal role in supplying the nation with food, and agricultural workers have reason to be proud of their contribution to this vital industry.
  • Possibility of Entrepreneurship: Certain individuals employed in the agricultural industry might be presented with the opportunity to establish their own farming or agribusiness enterprises, thereby presenting a prospect for business ownership and entrepreneurship.
  • Learning Opportunities: Opportunities for Ongoing Education Agricultural professions frequently offer opportunities for ongoing education. Acquiring novel proficiencies in areas such as animal husbandry, technology implementation in agriculture, crop management, and other dynamic facets of the sector is possible.
  • Supportive Agricultural Community: Organizations, extension services, and networks in Kansas comprise a supportive agricultural community that provides assistance, information, and resources to those engaged in agriculture.
  • Competitive Compensation: Particularly for skilled and experienced workers, agricultural careers in Kansas may provide competitive compensation, contingent upon the specific role and level of responsibility involved.

How To Apply For Agricultural Jobs in Kansas

The following are the processes required to apply for Agricultural Employment in Kansas:

  • When routed to the official website, use the application link below to seek a job.
  • You may utilize the search box, which is subdivided into numerous categories, to narrow down your job search results.
  • Examine the job posting and position description.
  • Ensure you satisfy all prerequisites before continuing.
  • Choose the Online Application button.
  • Fill out and apply.
  • Verify that you have received a confirmation email for your application.

More Info

  1. Is agriculture big in Kansas?

    Agriculture is the leading economic contributor in Kansas, contributing $76 billion to the state’s GDP. The agriculture industry in Kansas provides more than 256,000 employees through direct, indirect, and induced effects or around 14% of the state’s total workforce.

  2. What is Kansas’ primary agricultural product?

    Currently, Kansas is a leader in the production of wheat, grain sorghum, and meat. Kansas’ dairy industry is rising quickly, and other areas of animal husbandry are also expanding.

  3. Is Kansas good for farming?

    Our state ranks first in the nation in wheat and sorghum production. And we are also leaders in the production of cattle, sheep, bison, hogs, and soybeans.

Alia khan

Alia Khan is a well-known scholar and scholarship tutor who has obtained five government scholarships from Turkey, China, Portugal, the United States, and Canada. Students can seek his assistance and counsel when applying for scholarships. His academic pieces, as well as those on related themes like immigration and jobs, provide young pupils with the tools they need to thrive in life.

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