Visa Guides

Japan Working Visa 2024 – Visa Guide

Obtaining a work visa could potentially pave the way for a rewarding voyage. In response to its burgeoning foreign talent market and geriatric population, Japan is proactively embracing individuals from various countries to join its labor force.

This guide aims to provide an overview of the uncomplicated and easily navigable Japan work visa process for 2024, encompassing employment prospects that offer visa sponsorship.

Why Japan? The Need for Foreign Workers

An aging population presents a demographic challenge for Japan, a nation renowned for its technological progress and picturesque scenery. In response, Japan intends to accept approximately 500,000 foreign laborers by 2025. This provides a rare opportunity for those interested in gaining firsthand experience of life in this extraordinary nation.

Types of Japanese Work Visas:

Each of the two primary varieties of Japanese work visas falls into a distinct category:

Highly Skilled Professional Visa

  • Highly Skilled Professional (i) (a) (b) (c): Tailored for individuals involved in specialized technical endeavors or advanced academic research. worth five years.
  • Very Special Proficient Expert: Candidates must possess a bachelor’s or master’s degree in addition to relevant work experience.
  • highly skilled foreign professionals who possess extensive experience and expertise.

Japan Working Visa

Numerous foreign workers are eligible for this ordinary work visa, which does not mandate any prior work experience. Its duration may be one, three, or five years.

Eligible Professions for Japanese Working Visa

Japan offers working visas for a range of professions, including but not limited to:

  • Professors
  • Artists
  • English teacher
  • Military personnel
  • Engineer
  • Service staff
  • IT Professional
  • Translator
  • Banker
  • School Teacher
  • English Speaking
  • Mechanics
  • Electrical
  • Religious activities
  • Journalists
  • Business managers
  • Legal/accounting services
  • Medical services
  • Researchers
  • Instructors
  • Specialists in humanities and international services
  • Intra-company transferees
  • Nursing care
  • Skilled labor
  • Specified skilled workers
  • Technical intern training

Application Process: Step by Step

Acquire a COE (Certificate of Eligibility).

  • Obtain employment with a Japanese organization.
  • Provide your employer with the required documentation for the COE application.

Request a work visa for Japan at the Embassy.

  • Locate the embassy, consulate, or permanent mission of Japan in your vicinity.
  • Acquire the necessary documentation, which consists of a passport, visa application form, photograph, letter of recommendation, job offer, and academic records.

Processing and Submission

  • Your visa application and all required documents must be submitted.
  • Anticipate a reply within five to six business days.
  • Visa fees vary approximately 6,000 JPY for multiple entries and 3000 JPY for a single entry; payment is due upon approval.

Check Also: Jobs in Japan For Foreigners With Visa Sponsorship – Apply Now

Japan Visa Requirements:

Temporary Visitor Visa (Tourist Visa):

  • A passport that is valid for a minimum of six months after the date of departure from Japan
  • Formalized visa application. This form is available at the consulate or embassy of Japan in your country of residence, as well as on their official website.
  • Photos in passport size that adhere to particular criteria, including dimensions and background color
  • A comprehensive travel itinerary that comprises hotel and flight reservations as well as a detailed travel plan
  • Evidence of adequate funds to cover one’s expenses during their sojourn in Japan, including bank statements or a certificate of deposit
  • Evidence of substantial ties to one’s country of origin, including employment verification or property ownership
  • Processing fees for visas vary by consulate, embassy, and nationality.

Labor Visa:

  • A valid passport is required.
  • A Certificate of Eligibility (COE) has been issued by the Japanese Immigration Bureau. Typically, your potential employer in Japan submits this application on your behalf.
  • Formalized visa application.
  • Passport-sized images.
  • A letter of appointment or employment contract from your Japanese employer
  • Documentation of the professional and academic credentials required for the position
  • Documentation proving sponsorship or financial stability, such as bank statements or a letter of guarantee,
  • Processing fee for visas.

Student Visa Considered:

  • A valid passport is required.
  • A Certificate of Eligibility (COE) that has been issued by the Japanese educational institution or school
  • Formalized visa application.
  • Passport-sized images.
  • Evidence of adequate financial assistance to cover both tuition and living expenses
  • Documentation demonstrating strong connections to your home country, such as a sponsor’s letter of guarantee,
  • Processing fee for visas.

Dependent Visa (applicable to relatives of those in possession of a valid Japanese visa):

  • A valid passport is required.
  • The primary visa holder’s Certificate of Eligibility (COE), which may be that of a parent, spouse, or child
  • Formalized visa application.
  • Passport-sized images.
  • Documentation proving a connection to the primary visa holder, such as a marriage certificate or birth certificate
  • Processing fee for visas.

Benefits of Japan Working Visa:

  • Employment Law: Working in Japan legally is permitted with a Japan Working Visa, guaranteeing the right to seek employment and receive remuneration by Japanese labor regulations.
  • Gaining Entry to the Labor Market: Possessing a valid work visa grants individuals access to a wider array of employment prospects in Japan, some of which may be inaccessible to those holding tourist or short-term visas.
  • Employment Protection: Employment security is a common benefit associated with working visas, given that employers recruit foreign personnel exclusively through authorized channels and are obligated to comply with labor regulations.
  • Extended Stay: Working visas typically grant extended stays in Japan, thereby affording individuals sufficient time to traverse the nation, establish professional endeavors, or participate in designated projects.
  • Career Advancement: Possessing a working visa can facilitate professional development and progression, allowing individuals to apply for more senior-level positions within their respective industries.
  • Obtaining Social Benefits: Working visa holders may qualify for social benefits, including health insurance, pension plans, and additional employee benefits, under certain circumstances.
  • Prospects for the Development of Skills: Numerous individuals migrate to Japan on working visas to gain specialized knowledge or abilities in disciplines such as technology, culture, language, or others.
  • A Cultural Exploration: By working and living in Japan, one is allowed to fully engage with Japanese society, language, and everyday existence, thereby providing an unparalleled cultural encounter.
  • Promotion of Networking Opportunities: You can cultivate beneficial professional and personal connections in Japan, which can have a significant impact on your future career prospects and personal development.
  • Literacy Proficiency: A Japanese language immersion environment is provided by living and working in Japan for those interested in acquiring or improving their Japanese language proficiency.
  • Diverse Places of Employment: Japan provides an assortment of traditional and innovative work environments, enabling you to gain exposure to various industries and working cultures.
  • Constraints Regarding Permanent Residency: Working visa holders may eventually qualify to petition for permanent residency in Japan, a condition that may permit them to remain in the country indefinitely.

Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Japan:

Japan offers an abundance of employment opportunities that facilitate visas. The following websites may serve as a starting point for your job search:


The work visa process for Japan in 2024 provides a convenient avenue to explore this captivating nation while making a valuable contribution to its labor force. By exploring the possibility of visa sponsorship employment in diverse industries, one can initiate a fresh phase in their professional trajectory. Seize the occasion and initiate the initial stages of your journey to Japan!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How do I get a Japanese work visa?

    You have to:
    Contact the nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate.
    Collect the required documents for a Japan Work Visa.
    Submit the Japan Work Visa application either directly at the Embassy or Consulate or at the travel agency or visa application agency.
    Collect the visa.

  2. Is a Japan visa-free for Pakistanis?

    A Japanese tourist visa for Pakistan is not free. The applicant has to pay a fee of around 3000 yen at the time of single-entry visa issuance. Generally, a 30-day visa is valid for 90 days and the stay is relatively short.

  3. Is a Japan visa easy to get?

    The process of obtaining a visa in Japan is still fairly easy. For this reason, some noncitizens need a visa to visit Japan. The Japan Visa Requirements vary from person to person depending on a variety of factors, including the nationality of the traveler, the intended length of stay, and the purpose of the trip.

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