Visa Guides

How to Apply for Belgium Working Holiday Visa

A visa is a type of visa that enables citizens of certain nations to come to Belgium and work there for a defined amount of time, often between 12 and 18 months. The visa is intended to foster cultural interaction and give young people the opportunity to experience living in another country while earning money to support themselves during their stay.

How to Apply for Belgium Working Holiday Visa


The visa’s eligibility may vary according to the applicant’s country of origin and other circumstances, and applicants must normally meet specific conditions, such as minimum age and level of financial means.

How to Apply for Belgium Working Holiday Visa

Advantages of A Working Holiday Visa For Belgium

A Belgium Working Holiday Visa permits individuals to experience the culture and lifestyle of Belgium while also working and earning money to sustain themselves. Among the special advantages of this visa are:

  • Residence and Work Authorization: This visa lets people legally live and work in Belgium for a set amount of time, usually between 12 and 18 months. This gives them a chance to live in Belgium and learn more about its history and way of life.
  • Professional Growth: This visa program lets you work in Belgium, which is a great way to get useful international work experience. It lets people improve their professional skills, get experience in different types of workplaces, and make friends around the world that can help them get jobs in the future.
  • Language and society Immersion: One of the best things about a working holiday visa is that it lets you fully experience the local society. People can improve their language skills by living in Belgium, especially in French and Dutch, which are spoken in many parts of the country. This cultural immersion includes more than just language. It also includes food, practices, and things that people do in their daily lives.
  • Travel Opportunities: Because Belgium is in the middle of Europe, it’s a great place to start visiting other countries nearby. People with a working holiday visa can use this to their advantage by traveling during their stay and seeing different cultures, historical places, and landscapes in Europe.
  • Making friends: If you live and work in Belgium on a working holiday visa, you can meet people from all kinds of backgrounds. People can make lasting friendships, learn new things, and grow their social and business networks through these interactions.
  • Extension Options: People may be able to stay in Belgium longer than the initial time of their working holiday visa in some situations. You can do this by getting a long-stay permit, which lets you stay in the country and maybe look for more educational or job prospects.

It is essential to remember that the benefits may differ based on the individual’s circumstances and the visa’s unique requirements and restrictions.

Read Also: Unskilled Jobs In Belgium Visa Sponsorship

Work Holiday Visa Requirements for Belgium?

The requirements for a Belgium Working Holiday Visa may vary based on the applicant’s country of origin, but in general, they are as follows:

  • Nationality: You must be a citizen of a country that has a deal with Belgium for working holidays. These deals usually spell out the requirements and rules for getting the visa.
  • Age: Applicants must usually be between the ages of 18 and 30 when they apply, but for some countries, some agreements may raise this age limit to 35.
  • Passport: Your passport must be current and have at least six months left on it after your planned stay in Belgium.
  • Sufficient Funds: You need to show that you have enough money to live on while you’re in Belgium. For most people, this is around €2,500, but the exact amount may be different based on the agreement and your situation.
  • Return ticket or money to buy one: When you leave Belgium, you should either have a ticket back to your home country or enough money to buy one.
  • Insurance for health care: You must have insurance for health care that covers you while you’re in Belgium. This makes sure that you can get medical care while you are in the country if you need it.
  • Clean Record: Applicants usually need to have no criminal record, and they may have to go through a security check as part of the visa process.
  • Work Offer or Proof of Money: Some countries require applicants to either have a job offer or show that they have enough money to live on while they are there without working.

Noting that these conditions are subject to change, it is recommended that you contact the Belgian embassy or consulate in your place of residency for the most current information and requirements.

How Can I Apply?

The application process for a Belgium Working Holiday Visa will vary based on the applicant’s country of origin, but will generally contain the following steps:

  • Collect all relevant paperwork, including a valid passport, proof of adequate funds, a return ticket or sufficient funds to acquire one, health insurance, and any other necessary documents.
  • Complete the application and submit the application fee. Typically, the application forms can be found on the website of the Belgian Embassy or Consulate in your home country.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does it take to receive Belgium working holiday visa?

    Please note that the Belgian Embassy endeavors to handle applications within ten business days after receipt. Assuming a complete application is filed, a decision can typically be anticipated sooner.

  2. Is it easy to receive a Belgian work permit?

    Belgium work permits
    Work permit A: This work permit allows you to work indefinitely for any employer in any capacity. Unfortunately, obtaining this permit is difficult. It is only available to a select group of foreign workers who have worked in Belgium for a number of years with a Work Permit B.

Alia khan

Alia Khan is a well-known scholar and scholarship tutor who has obtained five government scholarships from Turkey, China, Portugal, the United States, and Canada. Students can seek his assistance and counsel when applying for scholarships. His academic pieces, as well as those on related themes like immigration and jobs, provide young pupils with the tools they need to thrive in life.

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