Canada Visa

Free Canada Working Holiday Visa 2023

The complete guide to the Free Canada Working Holiday Visa, including what it is, how to apply, the requirements, and frequently asked questions.

Young people who want to travel across Canada but cannot afford it now have the option of working while traveling. The Working Holiday Visa is a type of visa that allows individuals to earn money and use it to travel.

Read More: Full info on Canada Visa Requirements 2023

What is a Working Holiday Visa?

The Working Holiday Visa is a Canadian work visa that allows young people (typically students) to come to Canada to work and visit the country’s best attractions. This visa is part of the International Experience Canada (IEC) program, which allows young people to work and travel in Canada, work as a Young Professional in Canada, or get an International Internship.

Your country of citizenship must have an agreement with Canada to exchange young workers in order to qualify for the IEC and Working Holiday Canada, or you can contact a Recognized Organization (RO). For a fee to the IEC Canada, these recognized organizations assist young people with their applications and job placement. Recognized Organizations that assist young people seeking a Working Holiday Visa include:

  • SWAP Working Holidays;
  • GO International;
  • Stepwest;

If your country has an agreement with Canada or you choose a RO, you can begin the Working Holiday Canada process. With this visa, you will be granted an Open Work Permit, which allows you to travel to Canada and look for work. The visa is ideal if you want to travel to Canada and work in various locations and for different employers but do not yet have a job offer.

The Working Holiday Visa allows you to stay in Canada for one year before returning home. During this time, you are free to change jobs and travel anywhere within the country.

Free Canada Working Holiday Visa 2023
Free Canada Working Holiday Visa 2023

How to apply for the Canada Working Holiday Visa?

The application process for the Working Holiday Visa is lengthy and includes the following steps.

Step 1: Create your International Experience Canada Profile

To be considered for the applicant pool, you must first submit your profile to the Government of Canada, as follows:

  • Create an account with the Government of Canada using your GCKey or bank information on their official website.
  • Take the eligibility test, in which you will be asked questions about
  • Country of residence;
  • Country of citizenship;
  • Country of permanent residence;
  • If you have a job offer;
  • If you are a student;
  • If the system determines that you are eligible for the IEC, you will be directed to the page where you must complete your profile forms.
  • Fill out the profile forms with the required information (personal information, passport number, travel information, contact information, etc).
    Submit your profile to see if the system has determined that you are eligible for a working holiday visa.
    You do not have to finish your entire profile right away, but you must finish and submit it within 60 days of starting it.

Step 2: Enter the pool of applicants

For each category of the International Experience Canada (IEC) Program, the Government of Canada has a pool of applicants. After you have completed your profile, you will be able to enter the pool of applicants for which you are qualified. In this case, you should apply to the Working Holiday Visa pool.

You may be eligible for more than one pool, for example, the Young Professionals Visa and the Working Holiday Visa. You cannot, however, enter twice for the same pool of candidates.

You will be in the candidate pool for one season or one year. If the season ends and you do not receive an invitation to apply, you must resubmit your profile.

Step 3: Get an invitation to apply

During a given season, the Government of Canada selects candidates at random from a pool and invites them to apply. You can find the schedule for the invitation rounds, the number of candidates in the pool, and your chances of selection here.

If you are chosen for an invitation, you will receive a message on your account. You can then accept or decline the invitation. If you are invited, you will have 10 days to accept or decline the invitation. If you decline the invitation, you will remain in the candidate pool for the following round of invitations.

If you are in more than one pool, you must decline one invitation in order to receive the other. For example, if you are in both the Young Professionals and Working Holiday pools and receive an invitation for the Young Professionals, you must decline it in order to be considered for the Working Holiday Visa.

You will have 20 days after accepting the invitation to apply for a work permit.

Step 4: Apply for a work permit

You must begin immediately because you will only have 20 days to submit an application for a work permit. You must first complete the required forms using the information you provided when you submitted your profile.

For the Working Holiday work permit, there will be a section where you will be asked about your job offer. You must complete the following tasks:

  • You must enter “A9999999” in the Offer of Employment Number field.
  • In the question “Has your employer paid the Employer Compliance Fee?” select “No.”
  • Enter “Non-applicable – Working Holiday” in the employer address field;

After you have completed all of the forms, the system will generate a list of supporting documents for you to submit. This list is personalized, but it may include the following items:

Police certificates are required for all countries where you have lived for more than 6 months since the age of 18. If you are unable to obtain all of them within 20 days, you must submit proof that you have requested them and be prepared to show them to a Canadian Consulate official later. If you have a criminal record, you will be denied a work permit.

Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume – a document that details your education, qualifications, work history, and current job and location.

Medical Exam – If you intend to work in a job that requires it, or if you have lived in countries that are hazardous to your health, you should see a doctor who will issue you with a certificate of good health. This is the IMM 1017B – Upfront Medical Report form, which you must include with your application. If you do not receive this form within the 20-day period, you may attach proof that you are waiting for the form.

Passport and Digital Photo – You must provide a clear copy of your passport that is valid until the date you depart Canada. You must also submit a digital photo of yourself in accordance with the Photo Requirements.

Submit other forms:

  • IMM 5645 – Family Information;
  • IMM 5707 – Family Information;
  • Schedule 1 – Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada.

If you are working with a Recognized Organization, you must submit a letter proving that the RO is assisting you with your Working Holiday in Canada.

Step 5: Pay the Fees and Submit Application

For the Working Holiday Visa, you must pay the International Experience Canada fee of CAD$100 as well as the Open Work Permit Holder fee of CAD$100. If you are required to submit biometrics, you will be charged an additional CAD$85 fee.

Pay these fees before submitting your work permit application. The Government of Canada will review your application and notify you whether or not you are eligible. If you are, they will inform you of the next steps you need to take. The Consulate may request an interview or additional information from you. Your work permit application will be denied if you do not meet their requirements.

Step 6: Get your PoE Letter and Travel to Canada

If your application is approved, you will be sent a letter of introduction, also known as a Port of Entry (PoE) letter to Canada. When you travel, you must keep that letter with you at all times. You can now book a flight to Canada and find lodging. When you first enter Canada, you must have the following documents with you:

  • It’s your passport.
  • Your PoE letter of Introduction.
  • Proof of sufficient funds for your first three months in Canada (CAD$2,500).
  • You must provide proof that you have valid health insurance in Canada.
  • A return ticket from Canada to your country of residence, or enough money to buy one.
  • Copies of your work permit application’s supporting documents (See: Step 4).

The validity of your work permit is determined by the Canadian Consulate, but it is usually for one year. If your work permit expires, you must return to your home country or risk being deported.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to apply for the Canada Working Holiday Visa?

    Create your International Experience Canada Profile
    Enter the pool of applicants
    Get an invitation to apply
    Apply for a work permit
    Pay the Fees and Submit the Application
    Get your PoE Letter and Travel to Canada

  • What is a Working Holiday Visa?

    The Working Holiday Visa is a Canadian work visa that allows young people (typically students) to come to Canada to work and visit the country’s best attractions. This visa is part of the International Experience Canada (IEC) program, which allows young people to work and travel in Canada, work as a Young Professional in Canada, or get an International Internship.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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