US Jobs 2024

Farm Jobs in Washington DC USA For Foreigners


Since Washington, DC grows more apples, blueberries, hops, pears, spearmint oil, and sweet cherries than any other state in the US, it could be used for farming. It makes the second most plums, asparagus, grapes, potatoes, raspberries, and wine of any state in the country. The state makes $7.9 billion in goods from crops and animals.

Even though farms have a lot of promise, Washington, DC, the Dreamland for most of us, doesn’t have enough workers in agriculture because the state is focused on modern STEM careers and is the world leader in modern development. Old-fashioned jobs like farming and other small businesses were not taken into account. Because of this, many jobs in agriculture have gone away, and there aren’t enough farmworkers in the United States. To meet this job opening, many companies have come up with Farm jobs in Washington, DC. Here is everything you need to know about Farm Jobs in Washington, DC, including how to apply online for the job and a list of the duties and requirements of the job.

Details of Farm Jobs in Washington DC USA For Foreigners:

  • Job title: Farm Jobs
  • Job country: Washington DC, USA.
  • Job Industry: Agriculture.
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Experience Required: Yes.
  • Knowledge Required: Varies from one job role to another
  • Age Limit: 21-onwards.
  • Free Food: Sometimes.
  • Free Accommodation: Mostly Yes.
  • Free Medical Insurance: Mostly Yes.
  • Free Transport: No, but subsidized transport programs are given most of the time.
  • Visa Sponsorship: Sometimes.
  • Expected Salary: up to $19 per hour (of a basic farmer, ascends with the job role).


  • People who come to the U.S. for work as farm herders can get a green card (permanent status) based on their job, an exchange visitor work and study visa, or a seasonal and temporary worker visa. Most people who want this job get it through a summer worker visa.
  • There are no standards for formal education. But if you want to work in the livestock department, you need to meet certain standards for certain jobs, like being able to say that you’ve been to college or high school. However, a lot of companies give their employees one month of training on the job.
  • Different types of senior or skilled jobs are available, such as farm manager, agricultural sales agent, biologist, quality inspection worker, and more. At least a bachelor’s degree is needed for this job in agriculture.
  • If you want to work as a farm herder or in any other agricultural job in the USA, you should first get appropriate experience (for at least one year) and then find an employer or sponsor in the USA who is willing to hire you.
  • To get a job green card or work permit in the U.S., you have to be at least 21 years old.
  • Extra time During harvest times, people need to work.
  • You need to be in good shape because you have to lift heavy things, like fruit and veggie baskets that weigh 20 to 25 pounds or even 50 pounds at times. In addition, you have to bend, stand, twist, climb, etc. a lot at work.
  • It is important to be able to read safety signs and safely use farm gear and tools.
  • As the harvest season approaches, you may have to work in harsh weather conditions such as hot or cold temperatures, wind, dust, noise, and wet conditions.
  • You might have to drive a tractor and a farm truck. If that’s the case, you need to get a pass from the Roads and Transportation Authority in the state of Washington, DC.
  • A full understanding of all the federal rules and regulations related to selling farm goods to people at a regular roadside stand or through a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program.

Common Farm Jobs available in Washington DC USA

  • Farm Crew.
  • Farm Herdsperson/ Labourer/ Farm Hand/ Farmer.
  • Farm Supervisor/ Manager.
  • Livestock Farmer/ Cattle Attendants/ Livestock Herder.
  • Livestock Breeder.
  • Picker/ Packer.
  • Processor.
  • Trimmer.
  • Egg Collector.
  • Wineyard operator.
  • Fish Hatchery Worker.
  • Dech Hand.


  • A recent yield means planting new crops and preserving and packing old ones.
  • The quality of the soil is checked to make sure that crops grow well and that the harvest is useful.
  • Strong understanding of all traditional methods and tools used to keep fine food or flowers safe from bad weather, pests, or crop diseases.
  • Daily tasks on the farm, like pulling weeds, trimming, gathering, and getting rid of waste.
  • Fixing and taking care of farm tools.
  • All government rules about the use of pesticides and other chemicals, as well as worker safety standards, must be followed by employers. To keep himself safe, a person needs to know all of these safety rules inside and out.
  • To make sure that the company’s food safety standards are met and that operations run at their peak to get the most work done, workers must be able to hear and follow the verbal orders of farm managers, crew supervisors, or someone in a similar role.
  • A full understanding of all the federal rules and regulations related to selling farm goods to people at a regular roadside stand or through a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program.
  • Take part in irrigation tasks like laying lines, running irrigation equipment like good motors, draining fields of extra water, and making sure crops get enough water.
  • Follow federal rules and safety guidelines for using, storing, and getting rid of chemical waste.
  • It’s your job as a sales agent for your farm to keep track of all the money coming in and out, like output and taxes.

Read Also: Warehouse Worker Jobs in Washington DC For Foreigners 2024


Average Salary of a Farm Worker in Washington DC USA:

The average salary for a fruit picker in North Carolina, USA, relies on a lot of things, such as his experience, skill, duty hours, the terms and conditions of his employer, the type of farm he works on, and the total weight of the fruit he picks in a day. Additionally, it is important to note that different companies pay their workers based on different factors. For example, if you work on a fruit farm, you might be paid based on the gross weight of the total crop yield you pick. Salary Explorer’s poll, on the other hand, says that the average farmer’s salary in North Carolina is $48,715 as of March 2024, with most making between $42,214 and $62,814.



  • Cultural Exchange: Working on a farm in Washington, DC, gives people from other countries the chance to learn about American society and interact with locals, which makes for a rich cultural exchange experience.
  • Skill Development: Working on a farm can help you learn new things, like how to farm, take care of animals, and run the farm, which can help you grow personally and professionally.
  • Visa Sponsorship: Some farm owners in Washington, DC may sponsor foreign workers’ visas, which makes it easier for them to officially work and stay in the United States.
  • Stability in your finances: Farm jobs often offer safe work with regular pay, which helps foreigners support themselves financially and pay for their Washington, DC, living costs.
  • Experience in the outdoors: Working on a farm gives outsiders the chance to enjoy the outdoors and get in touch with nature, which can be energizing and good for their health.
  • Community Integration: Farm towns often have a strong sense of community, which gives newcomers the chance to meet people, make friends, and feel like they belong.
  • Opportunities for a Career: Farm jobs can be a stepping stone for foreigners who want to work in agriculture, environmental science, or related areas where they can grow and move up.

How to Apply for Farm Jobs in Washington DC for foreigners

More Info


Even though Washington, DC is known for its agriculture, there aren’t enough farmworkers because so many people are interested in STEM jobs. Farm jobs in the area, on the other hand, are open to foreigners and offer chances for cultural exchange, skill development, stability, time spent outdoors, community integration, and job prospects.

People Also Ask

  1. What types of farm jobs are available in Washington, DC?

    There are many jobs on a farm, such as farm crew, herder, farm supervisor, cattle farmer, picker/packer, processor, and more.

  2. What is the average salary for farm workers in Washington, DC?

    The average pay is based on things like years of training, job duties, hours worked, and the type of farm. Salary Explorer says that the average farmer’s wage in North Carolina, which is in a similar area, is between $42,214 and $62,814.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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