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Costs of Education and Living in Germany 2023 – Full Explained

Costs of Education and Living in Germany: In comparison to other European countries, Germany is not exceptionally pricey. However, if you want to study abroad successfully, you must accurately evaluate the expenditures and verify that you can cover them. This page will inform you how much schooling and living expenses you can expect.

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Financial security and tuition fees

Proof of financial resources

You will be required to show proof of financial resources in order to obtain a student visa for Germany. This ensures that you will be able to pay for your studies in Germany. You are expected to demonstrate funds of 934 EUR per month / 11,208 EUR per year beginning in January 2023.

For visa applications submitted after September 1st, 2019, proof of the amount must be presented. Proof of parental income, an assigned amount on a blocked account (“Sperrkonto”), or proof of receipt of a recognized scholarship are all acceptable kinds of proof. Please contact the German Embassy or Consulate in your country for more information.

Costs of Education and Living in Germany 2023 - Full Explained
Costs of Education and Living in Germany 2023 – Full Explained


Many international students pay for their studies in Germany with a banned account. Money transferred to a blocked account is inaccessible until you visit the country. It is critical to request the appropriate documentation as soon as possible. Before submitting the completed documents to the bank of your choosing, they must be confirmed by a German diplomatic post in your home country, together with a copy of your passport. Banks charge between 50 and 150 EUR to open a barred account. When you arrive in Germany, you will be given an EC card with which you will be able to access your money. The account may only allow a set amount of withdrawal each month (currently 934 euros for students).

Tuition fees in Germany for student

The majority of higher education institutions in Germany are state-funded. Bachelor’s and most Master’s courses at state higher education institutions are normally free of charge. Tuition costs for certain continuing education Master’s programs may be required, but they are not exceptionally exorbitant in comparison to other nations. Private higher education schools may charge more tuition for their degree programs.

The Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, on the other hand, has planned to charge non-EU citizens EUR 1,500 each semester for (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Diplom, and state exams) degree programs beginning in the 2017/18 winter semester. Doctoral students are exempt from these costs. Students who started a degree program in Baden-Württemberg but did not complete it by 2017/18 WS will not be charged the aforementioned costs.

Semester contribution

In Germany, all students at all levels of higher education must pay a semester contribution. This payment is separate from tuition and covers your contributions to student services and the student government (AStA). It also includes a semester ticket that allows you to use public transportation in the region at many higher education institutions. The semester payment varies per higher education institution and ranges from 100 to 350 EUR. It must be paid when you enroll and before the beginning of each new semester. Whether you incur additional fees related to your study, such as specialty books and copies, is subject to change.

Breakdown of a semester contribution

University of Cologne, winter semester 2021/22

  • The semester ticket is EUR 197,20.
  • EUR 75,00 is the student welfare contribution for student service.
  • EUR 10,00 for student government (AStA).
  • EUR 1.75 towards student athletics.
  • EUR 2,10 for faculties/departmental student organizations.
  • The administrative cost is EUR 1.90.
  • EUR 287,95 in total.

Living costs in Germany

Living costs are expenses incurred in the course of leading a regular life, such as those incurred for housing, food, clothing, and leisure activities. They are roughly average in Germany when compared to other European nations, that is, much lower than in Denmark, Luxembourg, or Switzerland, but fairly high when compared to Poland, the Czech Republic, or Italy.

A German student’s monthly expenses average EUR 867. Rent, travel expenses, food, clothing, learning materials, health insurance, phone, Internet, radio, and TV license fees, and leisure activities are all included. (This is in addition to the semester contribution, which varies per higher education institution.) International students typically have less money than their German counterparts: on average, they might spend EUR 725 per month. This sum will be readily manageable if you have affordable housing and are frugal with your money.

TIP: There are several student discounts available. If you have a valid student ID, you can frequently save money on tickets to the theater, museums, opera houses, cinemas, and other cultural organizations.

If you are a more athletic person, you should check out the sports programs at your higher education institution: Some offers are completely free for students. Some classes require a participation fee, which is usually extremely reasonable.

As energy prices continue to rise, we have compiled a list of energy-saving recommendations for the home:

Average expenses of a German student

  • Rent (including utility costs): EUR 332
  • Food: EUR 154
  • Clothing: EUR 48
  • Transportation costs (car/public transport): EUR 116
  • Health insurance, doctor’s fees, medications: EUR 96
  • Telephone/Internet/radio and TV license, postage: EUR 32
  • Working materials (books etc.): EUR 24
  • Recreation, culture, and sports: EUR 65
  • Total: EUR 867
  • Source: Deutsches Studentenwerk (German Student Union): Based on the 2016 21st Social Survey, this computation was updated in 2019.
  • A new survey was scheduled for 2020, however, it was pushed back owing to the Corona epidemic. Figures will be updated in May 2023.

Average everyday prices

  • 1 loaf of bread (approx. 500g): EUR 2
  • 1 kilogramme of potatoes: EUR 0.99
  • 1 litre of milk: EUR 0.90
  • 1 bottle of mineral water (0.75 litres): EUR 0.80
  • 1 cup of coffee (in a café): EUR 2.50
  • 1 glass of beer (in a pub): EUR 3
  • 1 pizza (in a restaurant): EUR 7
  • 1 lunch (in the cafeteria): EUR 2.50
  • 1 T-shirt: EUR 10-50
  • 1 pair of trousers: EUR 30 to EUR 100
  • 1 cinema ticket (with student discount): EUR 6
  • 1 theatre ticket (with student discount): EUR 6-30
  • 1 museum ticket (with student discount): EUR 2-8

Financing options

Once you’ve determined the cost of studying in Germany, you can start thinking about how you’ll pay for your degree. International students are not permitted to work in Germany indefinitely. Part-time work can help you stretch your budget, but it’s difficult to cover all of your living expenses this way. As a result, applying for a scholarship is an excellent option. Many institutions, like the DAAD, party-related foundations, and business-affiliated organizations, provide financial assistance to international students.

Cost of Living in Germany for Indian Students

According to estimates and figures, international students living in Germany may have to pay between EUR 800 and EUR 1,000 each month. The average monthly expense borne by students is approximately EUR 867, or EUR 10,332 per year.

the average cost of living in Germany

Germany’s average cost of living in 2023
As an individual residing in Germany, you may expect your total monthly costs to range from €1200 and €3000. At the lower end of this price range, you’d probably be living in a flatshare outside of the city center.

Cost of living in Germany for a single person

As an individual residing in Germany, you may expect your total monthly costs to range from €1200 and €3000. At the lower end of this price range, you’d probably be living in a flatshare outside of the city center.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • what is the cost of living in germany?

    As an individual residing in Germany, you may expect your total monthly costs to range from €1200 and €3000. At the lower end of this price range, you’d probably be living in a flatshare outside of the city center.

  • what is the cost of living in Germany for students

    According to estimates and figures, international students living in Germany may have to pay between EUR 800 and EUR 1,000 each month. The average monthly expense borne by students is approximately EUR 867, or EUR 10,332 per year.

  • what is the average cost of living in germany

    Rent (including utility costs): EUR 332
    Food: EUR 154
    Clothing: EUR 48
    Transportation costs (car/public transport): EUR 116
    Health insurance, doctor’s fees, medications: EUR 96
    Telephone/Internet/radio and TV license, postage: EUR 32
    Working materials (books etc.): EUR 24
    Recreation, culture, and sports: EUR 65
    Total: EUR 867

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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