ScholarshipScholarship in Malaysia

Latest Student Financial Aid Scholarship Malaysia 2023

Latest Student Financial Aid Scholarship Malaysia 2023: Postgraduate candidates are encouraged to apply for the Universiti Malaya Student Financial Aid award. This scheme is open to both domestic and international candidates who are currently enrolled (active status) in a Masters’s (research mode) or Doctoral program.

Government Scholarships

Ministry of Higher Education Scholarships

Malaysia’s Ministry of Higher Education gives out grants in a number of academic fields. The goal of these scholarships is to help talented students with good grades continue their education at area colleges and universities.

State Government Scholarships

Malaysian state governments also give scholarships to students who live in their own states, in addition to the national awards. Most of the time, these scholarships are for specific areas of study and are a great choice for students who want help closer to home.

Degree Level:

Student Financial Aid Awards, Malaysia 2023 is available to study at Universiti Malaya at the Postgraduate level.

Subjects Available:

The following subjects are available for study through this scholarship program.

All Subjects Scholarship


Successful applicants will receive a living allowance and a fee waiver of up to 100%. (for selected fees).

Nationalities eligible:

All Nationalities

Eligibility Criteria:

This scheme is open to local and international postgraduate candidates enrolled in Universiti Malaya’s Masters (full research) or Doctorate programs (UM).
Applicants must have been offered a position as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) by UM for at least four (4) months during the semester in question (to apply for GRA, visit
Applicants must not be sponsored by any federal, state, or statutory body, as well as any other organization.
Applicants must be debt-free and have no outstanding fees with UM.
At the time of application, applicants must be within the Graduate on Time (GOT) period of candidature, i.e.

Master’s programs – 5thsemester and below*

Doctoral programs – 7th semester and lower*

Application Methodology:


In conclusion, the availability of student financial aid scholarships in Malaysia for the year 2023 offers a glimmer of hope for aspiring students seeking quality education. These scholarships, provided by the government, private sector, and international entities, open doors to brighter futures. With careful preparation, students can increase their chances of securing these scholarships and embark on a fulfilling academic journey without the burden of financial constraints.

People Also Ask

  • Can I apply for multiple scholarships simultaneously?

    Yes, you can apply for more than one grant, but make sure you meet each one’s requirements.

  • Are scholarships available for postgraduate studies?

    Yes, there are grants for both the first year of college and the years after that.

  • Can international students apply for Malaysian scholarships?

    Some grants are only for Malaysian students, while others are open to students from all over the world.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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